Contact Zones in Central Europe

Contact Zones in Central Europe

Zentrum für Interdisziplinäre Polenstudien und Abteilung für Internationale Angelegenheiten Europa-Universität Viadrina
Frankfurt (Oder) and Słubice
Frankfurt an der Oder
From - Until
25.05.2015 - 04.07.2015
Zentrum für Interdisziplinäre Polenstudien

The Center for Interdisciplinary Polish Studies at the European University Viadrina would like to invite you to the next edition of our annual Summer Program in Polish and Central European Studies on the Polish/German border.

Recognizing the deep cultural and historical ties between ethnicities in our region, the theme of the Summer Program 2015 is "Contact Zones in Central Europe." Central Europe has been defined by its multi-ethnic character since at least the days of Johann Herder, and has since inspired numerous intellectuals with its tenuous nature and offer of ethnic understanding. One the on hand, the peoples of Central Europe have given birth to some of the most virulent and violent nationalisms in modern history. On the other, the region has become the home of countless minorities on the search of religious tolerance and economic prosperity. By focusing on contact zones in Central Europe, the faculty of the summer program offer advanced BA, MA and PhD candidates both university level thematic seminars, guest lectures, excursions as well as Polish and German language courses (16 hours/week) introducing the state of the art in the field.

Our Campus is located directly at the German-Polish border, just take a walk across the bridge and find yourself in another country. Experience living in a region that has been influenced by major European historical impacts and join us on excursions to find traces of (inter-) European encounters!


Courses (equivalent of a semester, BA or MA level):
- Language Contact in Central Europe
- Jewish Literary Culture in Central Europe
- Russian and Polish Berlin
- Crossing European Borders in the 19th Century
- Russian and Polish Berlin
- Social Exclusion and the Roma in Central Europe
- Comparative Politics in Europe Today: Convergence between East and West
- Inventing Europe: Economic and Technological Exchange in Modern Europe
- International Management
- Economics of Climate Change
- Polish language course (daily)
- German language course (daily)

Contact (announcement)

Martina Heinle

Grosse Scharrnstr. 59
15230 Frankfurt (Oder)
+49 -335 5534 2601
+49 -335 5534 2535
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